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Job Post Details

Operator FIEF-team - job post

4.0 van de 5 sterren
Parttime, Fulltime
Heeft in de afgelopen 30 dagen gereageerd op minimaal 75% van de sollicitaties, doorgaans binnen 1 dag.
Maak een Indeed-account aan voordat je op de website van het bedrijf gaat solliciteren.


Kijk hoe de vacaturegegevens overeenkomen met je profiel.


  • Parttime
  • Fulltime



Volledige vacaturetekst

The short description is the first thing a candidate will read. Trigger them with the first sentence of maximum 130 characters (including spaces). The total description should contain 500-1000 characters (including spaces). Define your core message and make sure to communicate this in this first paragraph.

Some tips:
  • Use well known keywords to make it relevant for potential candidates and to increase findability of the vacancy.
  • Ask a triggering question or pose a key challenge for this position to open your description.
  • What are the top 1-3 things that make the job attractive to a potential candidate?
  • How will the candidate in this position add value to FrieslandCampina?

Wat we vragen

Use a maximum of 5 bullet points to describe what the requirements are. Focus on (in this order):

  • Describe the ideal candidate. What kind of personality or behavioural characteristics are you looking for. Choose at least two of the three below:
    • You have a broader view than just your position and you can identify with our purpose ‘Nourishing by Nature’.
    • You are customer focused and are able to act with speed and decisiveness to achieve the best results.
    • You take responsibility for your work and are continuously looking for new opportunities to make a change.
  • Most important competences and knowledge
  • Level of education
  • Working experience

Wat we bieden

Use a maximum of 5 bullet points to shortly describe what we offer.

Focus on:
  • What is the work environment (location as well as colleagues)
  • What kind of personal development opportunities are offered
  • What are the compensation & benefits
  • What kind of impact can you make

Describe what this person is going to do on a daily basis.

What will this persons' tasks and responsibilities be? For who and with whom will the candidate be working? e.g. departments, teams, customers or other stakeholders. What is the scope of your role: global/ local, discipline.

Where does your impact lie in this role (for customers, col-leagues, member farmers, society). Add concrete examples to bring the job descrip-tion to life.
Bij FrieslandCampina geloven we in een werkomgeving waar iedereen zich hun volledige en authentieke zelf kan voelen en in hun kracht wordt gezet om het beste uit zichzelf te halen. We omarmen elkaars verschillen en ontvangen graag je sollicitatie, ongeacht je geslacht, geloof, afkomst, seksuele voorkeur, leeftijd, beperking, of nationaliteit. Als wie wij zijn bij jou past, moedigen we je aan om te solliciteren, ook als je niet zeker weet of je aan alle eisen voldoet.
Ons team
Zie alle collega's op LinkedIn

For thousands of people every day, we are more than just a dairy company. To our farmers, our employees, the communities we serve, the businesses we work with and the people to whom we bring happiness, FrieslandCampina means something more. For them it's not just about what we do, but who we are.

We value talented people from any background who want to contribute to something bigger than themselves. We encourage all of our employees to make decisions that benefit our entire company. At FrieslandCampina we own our own career and act accordingly. We trust you to make a difference in your job and influence the bigger picture. Working at FrieslandCampina means you are contributing to a better world.

Add a description about the department, team or specific location.


Elyn Zuidersma
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